Poems, Songs, etc

Warning: The following are deep thoughts and emotions of my soul.

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This is where I'm going to let you see into my soul for once and see what I'm thinking and how I feel. So please enjoy reading all of my poems and songs.
I'm not going to change one thing for you
Because what I've got is who I am
And I'm an individual, special, you won't find me anywhere else
You can look but I'm still here
And although you may wish that I was taller, had different eyes, a different nose, bigger boobs
I'm not going to change any of those for you
Because I'll always have myself
But you will come and go
So why change just one little thing for you
And sure I sometimes wish that I was just a little bit different,
And obviously so do you
But at the end of the day when I come home
I like what I see, it's just plain old me
You might want to change me
But I'm not your Barbie doll
If you can't appreciate me for who I am
Then you can just leave me alone
Because you need to respect my body, my mind
I'm not going to change one little thing
If it would change your mind, or me just one bit
Learn from all of my mistakes
I made so many dumb ones
Please listen carefully so you don't do as I did
When it comes to guys-BE YOURSELF
Because when you cat just how you think they want you to it doesn't work, they want you to be yourself,
Trust me I know
Because when I tried to be someone that I wasn't it didn't work out at all
So speak your mind, say what you want, show him that you have a brain
and if he doesn't respect you then you know that you are too good for him
so don't try and be someone you aren't
Because no one wants to see a fraud
Just get out there and show tem all who you truly are
Its as if my lips don't wok
I could go in for a kiss
but they con't move
as if they are broken
Why is this?
Do I not have feelings for you?
Am I scared?
What's happening?
I don't know, but my lips seem frozen, unable to move
Stuck in time forever
You are just my friend nothing more or less
I finally realized that today
A chapter in my life-complete
Where to go from here...
Meet new people, open my mind
Get those thoughts of you out of my mind
Time for a new man
there are so many out there
I just need to find the right one for me
I know one day you'll fall for me
But I won't feel the same
Then you'll wish for me, go through what I did
But you had your chance the door is closed
All you can have is my friendship now
You missed your opportunity
I want you to go through what I did
The pain, the suffering, the wanting, the needing
Do you know what that is like? Do you even understand?
One day you will and you'll regret the time when you could have had me
The time we could have had eachother
But you missed your shot, your chance for true love
That day, when you realize your feelings- mine will be elsewhere
For someone else the I deserve that deserves ME, cares for ME, loves ME for ME
That day maybe you'll scream or cry but I'll be smilng, happy
Because I'm with someone that I love
You had your chance, the door is shut
If my feelings return then please shoot me because you aren't worthy of those thoughts
House is dark
No sounds to be heard
only bugs outside
Everyon'e sleeping, except me
Sitting here, thinking
No one to talk to, nothing to see
only me and my thoughts
I'm thinking about you
I'm thinking about me
I'm thinking about him and her and whats-their-face and mom and dad and family and friends
I'm thinking about this stupid world and whats going on and why everything's all messed up
I'm not 100% happy like you all think, it's just the face that I put on
I have to be upbeat to go on but beneath that is anger, sadness, confusion, loneliness, jualousy
You don't understand
you are so damn lucky
Whay am I alone?
Whay do I cry? there is nothing to cry about
Maybe there is, maybe my messed up life
I need to take iniative, I'm too damn lazy
Someone call me, make some plans
Let me dance, let me sing, let me yell and jump and scream!
Sometimes I'm happy
Sometimes I'm sad
Sometimes I like me
Sometimes I don't
Why all the change?
Why my sometimes low self esteem?
I want to live, be free
I'm inspired by you, some think that you are just a joke
I know what you are going through
I've been there too
Some people don't understand but I do I'll tell you someday and maybe I can help but I'm so young
Why would you listen to me?
What do I know?
I'm tired, I must sleep but so many thoughts run through my mind
So many but for now Goodnight

I'm thinking about you, are you thinking about me?
All I want right now is to be with you
I want you so bad you don't even know and I don't know what I should do about it
Should I tell you? Should I make a move? I am at a loss
I've felt this way once before but you I know I like more
You're the one I want to be with,
You're the one that I have feelings for
You're the one that I would do most anything for
This love is painful since you are so far away
It's hard to see you every now and then
This distance is breaking my heart in two cause I want to see you, want to hear you, want to hug you, want to love you
I want your love
You're the one I see myself with,
You're the one I love,
You're the one I want to be with,
the one that I have feelings for
And baby I love you and I want to see you soon
I want for you to know how I feel and what may come of it
Maybe I'm rushing in a little too fast but why rush love?
I found your picture today and how I longed to look at that picture the rest of my life
To see your smile, your face, your cute self, your everything
I could look at that picture forever and ever
When I see it I remember your goofiness, your silliness, your sweetness, your sexiness
I see what I love about you, why I love you, why you are the one that I want
Hopefully all will work out and we can be together because that is what I want more than anything else in the world
When I see your picture I see all that I love in this world, I see you
Ever since we went our seperate ways/ I've thought of you a lot/I've wanted you here with me/I've wanted to talk to you/And now my life seems so empty with you so far away
I want you/I need you/just for one more day/to luagh with me/hold me/just comfort me
I love talking to you, it's very easy for me/When I'm with you I feel so relaxed/I feel that I can do or say anything and it'll be okay
And I want you/I need you/ just for one more day/to laugh with me/hold me/just comfort me
You're one of the best friends that I have ever had/and I always want you around/in/my/life
And I want you/And I need you here/just for one more day/to laugh with me/hold me/just comfort me
As I sit here thinking/of all the times we've had/ I smile/and cry/and hope for you to show your face again
And I want you/and I need you/for all of my life/to laugh with me/hold me/comfort me/just be here with me
I don't care if we're just friends as long ag you're around because you complete me and help me along the way
I know that I can count on you for a shoulder to lean on or someone to laugh with or someone to just listen to me vent or talk and make no sense
All I need is you around because I need a friend like you, you understand me and don't judge me and care for me
I hope that we can be together until the very end
Respect me and I'll respect you I know we did wrong and you're upset with us but there are better ways to show it not by rolling your eyes or not paying attention or going on and on and on I deserve respect and if you respect me then I'll respect you I'll keep an open mind to whatever you are saying Thats not how you treat people and you know it, I know it, everyone knows it You're an adult so grow up and respect us no matter how hard it is
Don't you hate it when you feel left out? Don't you feel unwanted? Why was I not invited out on this expedition? Am I not good enough for you? Do I need to call you just to do something? Why can't you call me?
What is wrong with me? Am I no fun or am I too short? Just let me know so that I can figure out if I should hang out with you anymore.
Because I don't think that I deserve to be put offand off and off.
Why don't we do anything ever? Is it something with him or her? Is what you're doing really a date? Are you two an item? Even though you don't say anything I wonder and wonder and wonder some more.
Sure its great to be friends with you but sometimes I feel unwanted-is it because I don't do everything that you do? Because if thats a problem then you need to realize that there is more to life than having everyone doing what you're doing all the time, 24/7/365. Is the problem that I want to do more than the stupid things that you do?
I'm sorry that I have a different life and I don't believe in what you do, but then again I'm not because you're the one missing out.
Can't you take a little joke? Is everything so serious? Whats up with you? Are you delirious? I really don't understand...one minute we could be joking around the next your flaming mad, get over yourself and let it go not everything is black and white. Look for the grey its really there I'm just joking around I guess from now on you'll hate me or something but I can afford it but at least I'll be friendly and not joke around because obviously you don't get it so whatever goodbye and have a nice life but i don't see why you act as you do.
Don't you see? She likes you! All that she does all that she says you do everything together!!! Open your eyes and don't be blind and let the light shine in.  I'm trying to give you advice but no you will not take it so good luck walking around like the blind man that you are.
I wish unto you as was untooed onto me for you need to know how it feels. It's not that I'm jealous or evil at all i just believe that everyone deserves to know how things go.  Everyone needs to leave through almost everything so that they can understand how it feels to be lonely, betrayed, sad and mad, happy and high on life.  Not just you but everyone needs to go through it all because if you don't then it's just like a spoiled brat and no one likes a brat so its not a hex or curse at all but please let this happen to you.

I don't want to write this but I feel that I should for events that have happened to me in my life so please take note.
Disclaimer: These poems came from thoughts that I had possibly about certain people or possibly just something that I thought of randomly or someone mentioned.  But please do not take them the wrong way because that is not their purpose. The purpose of these poems is to let my thoughts get out of my head and I thought that I would share with you some of the better creations that came of them.  So please just read and think and maybe it applies to something that you went through or feel but please don't assume that they are about you because assumptions made on all parties are not good.
All writings (poems, etc) are copyright 2003 by Jessica