There are soooo many more people to add so that is why there is
this second column-smart thinking, i know!
Kirby-rawr! lets get a little bit rowdy rawr o w d y! rawr! haha
History is great fun with you!! even though you do attack me sometimes!
Carrie-HT BEE!!! tennis, Zamari its all a lot of fun!!!!! you're
so great!!!
Everyone in Tennis-you all rock!!!! I can't wait until Cibola!!
Everyone in Senate-you guys rock too!! Prom is gonna kick ass-I
know it!!!
GYC-WOW! You guys are awesome! I have sooooo much fun with you all
and the Youth Summit rocked-Gay Denny's and just everything! And Erik I will always be your navigator and we've got to hang
out more!!! haha! Sarah-I can't believe we were standing next to each other at Maroon 5!!! And all you graduates-I'll miss
you and I'm sure everyone else will too! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
EVERYONE FROM CAMP FOX-YOU ROCK! Stacy's mom has got it going on!!!!
And Nolan is hot no matter what any of you think!!! Camp Fox rocks and I can't wait to see all of you again!!!
ALLIE!!!! It's been sooo much fun being friends with you!!!! Remember Kaplan
and VanCott-AHHHH and all of our good times at CHS!!! The short time you were in Drama (lucky you for getting out!) and then
Senate and Mr. Gerace's class and English (i mean "all we talk about is sex" class haha) and seeing Uptown Girls at 10
pm-that was a party! LOVE YOU LOTS CHICA!!!
TIKI!!! Chica it's been lots of fun being friends with you!!!! All of our
emails and meeting up at AJ's and DQ, etc etc. And Disneyland and math and wow everything-it's just been one big partay! LOVE
Ryan! wow you are just one crazy kid with all your Cherness and Chicago.
That was a fun trip-Navy Pier, the boring museum and Virgin MegaStore and the baseball game and all of the craziness that
happened there. do you remember when we painted the scenery for 6th grade and the paint's still there?haha and the Cher movie!
haha you're a cool kid though-remember that!
MAL MAL!!! AH!!! I can't believe I forgot you the first time through
but now it'll be all good!!! AHHH!! Ok, so health was a party last year with those movies and such hehehehehe and then this
year in History and English-PARTAY!! WHOOP WHOOP!! And don't forget Senate chica!!! LOVE YOU BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!!!!!