The AMAZING...Jimmy Fallon

The incredible comic genius.

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Jimmy Fallon was born on September 19, 1974 in Brooklyn, NY and grew up in upstate New York, Saugerties to be exact, apparently it's near Woodstock.  He was born to Jim and Gloria Fallon and has a sister named Gloria who is one year older than him.  He attended college at Saint Rose, near Albany, but dropped out just a few credits short of graduating to pursue comedy.  He began working in comedy clubs and doing that whole thing and in 1998 he became a featured player on Saturday Night Live.  For him it was a dream come true seeing that he use to act out sketches from the show when he was growing up.  In 2000 he began co-anchoring Weekend Update with the show's head writer Tina Fey.  He also became a "full-fledged" player on the show that year.  His last episode was May 15, 2004, he announced it during Weekend Update that night by saying "well this was my last episode, thanks, goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow." As far as I know he is currently single and living in New York City.
Jimmy has recorded a comedy album titled The Bathroom Wall which features his singing abilities as well as some of his stand up routine, including Troll Dolls.  He and his sister co-authored the book i hate this place: The pessimist's Guide to Life.
You can see Jimmy Fallon every Saturday night on Saturday Night Live at 10:30 AZ time on NBC and of course all of the reruns on Comedy Central and E!.  He is known for his various impressions and of course Weekend Update.

Now that you know all about Jimmy Fallon let me tell you my thoughts on him.  I think that he is HILARIOUS!!! He is also, gorgeous!!!! I love to watch him on SNL because he makes me crack up especially when he laughs in a skit-its sooo cute!
Well I know that I'm a little biased but if you at least don't think that he's funny then something is seriously wrong with you!
All of my friends know that I'm a little obsessed with him, I mean my screen name on instant messanger includes MrsJimmyFallon so if that gives you any idea. I'm not a stalker or anything I just think that he would be the ideal man for me in the future...hint hint to you guys out there-if you are like Jimmy and my age then Come out Come out Wherever you are! haha
Anyway, LOVE YOU JIMMY!!!!
Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Copyright 2003 by Jessica